Running a small business is hard, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Just like an airplane needs 6 main parts to fly, your business needs 6 key components to be healthy. If any of these parts are unhealthy, your plane will crash.

  1. Leadership = The Cockpit

  2. Marketing = Right Engine

  3. Sales = Left Engine

  4. Products = The Wings

  5. Overhead & Operations = The Body

  6. Cash Flow = Fuel Tanks

When you take My Business Report, you can learn which of the 6 areas your small business is performing well in, where you need to improve and get a customized plan to fix any weak points.

Click the image to watch the video and learn more about the airplane metaphor and the my business report

when you know how to build the 6 parts of a business, your small business can take on big revenue