Banish Burnout: A More Effective Way to Fuel Your Energy

Many of my clients come to me because they are feeling burned out.  The solution they seek usually falls along the lines of better organization, time management, and self-care.  These are all good, and can help.  

Burnout has far less to do with how many hours of sleep you get or how busy your calendar is and how much time we spend helping others vs. "self-care." While it's a component, you will not solve the burnout problem with more sleep and self-care alone. 

Think of this: A candle shares its flame with another candle and does not lose its flame because its fuel is from within. A match on the other hand, gives its flame, and burns out quickly. 

Consider the 80/20 rule.  80% of your results come from 20% of the activities.  What if you were to shift your focus away from the uses of your energy, and more on the sources of your energy?

Where is the source of your energy? 

It's that which fulfills you and aligns with your vision, values, beliefs, and passions. When we live in this space, we can a lot longer without rest and self-care. When we live outside this space, all the rest and self-care in the world can't make up for the void. 

Burnout happens when:

  • We give out of expectation of something in return.

  • We give from a scarcity mindset.

  • We don't allow ourselves to receive when others want to share their light with us.

  • When we give out of obligation or guilt.

  • When we act out of alignment with our values.

  • ​When we do what we "should" because of someone else's agenda.

  • When our activities don't take us closer to the next best version of ourselves.

  • When we aren't learning and growing.

No wonder we get burned out.  It's like you are trying to fuel the car by parking it on the side of the road and letting the engine cool down.  (Sometimes that's needed, but it's not all that's needed!)

Banish Burnout with an Energy Audit  

There was a time when I was burned out myself, and I couldn't figure out why!  I had all the right productivity tools, I managed my calendar well, and to took great care of myself.  

That's when I found the magic of connecting to my purpose, my passions, my values, and my authentic self.  I also found the importance of doing a check every so often to avoid going too far down the road without recharging.  I found the Energy Audit (Thanks Rich Litvin).  It's pretty quick and easy. I adapted it to connect to my purpose and values.

  • What is your vision or your Why?

  • What are your top 3-5 values?

  • Do my calendar, to-do list and bank account match these?

  • What fuels my energy?

  • What drains my energy?

From here, write 1-3 tiny shifts you can make to eliminate the drainers and replace them with Energy Fuelers.

Fill your life with people and activities that fuel your energy.  You may not be able to turn off the energy drainers immediately, but you can make a plan to create a life where what fuels your energy is greater than the drainers.  Practice gratitude along the journey to accelerate the process.  

What fuels my energy may be a drainer for you, and vice versa.  So, I'm curious - What fuels your energy? And what is one small way you can invite more of this into this day? 

Better Together

We are better together.  I encourage you to do this activity with one other person who you trust not to judge or who has a tendency to want to "fix it."  I invite you to schedule a complimentary coaching session to get you started or take it to the next level. Schedule now.

If you've found this article useful, please share it with someone you know who's grappling with burnout!


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