3 Secrets to Crushing Every Goal Every Time

(Throw away your SMART goals and start creating results)

All the gurus tell you how to crush your goals. You’ve done all the things.

You are reading this for one of 2 reasons:

  • Despite checking all the boxes, you still aren't crushing every goal you create.

  • You're creating results, and still wondering, "Isn't there more?"

Whether you crush your goals every time and still feel unfulfilled, or you are discouraged by doing all the right things and still not hitting the goals, these 3 “Secrets” are your missing link.

Secret 1: Set better goals 

The “Experts” tell you to set SMART Goals. While I buy into this concept whole-heartedly, there is a flaw in the “R.” You see, they tell you to set a goal that is “Realistic.” 

“If the goal isn’t realistic, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure,” They say.

But I say, “If the goal IS realistic, you won’t stretch yourself into your full potential.” If you are setting "realistic" goals, this is the reason you are left wanting more. Change the "realistic" to "relevant."  Set goals YOU want to achieve.  Afterall, it's the unrealistic goals that change the world. 

Set your sights on what feels unrealistic. Keep your eyes on that vision.

Then, create action plans that will lead to the vision. 

If it feels realistic, you aren't dreaming big enough.

Measure your success based on your inputs.  Focus on what you can control. I may not be abot to control the results of 10x business growth, but I can control how many phone calls I make, how many offers I make, my pricing, and every ACTION. 

If "2x" felt realistic to me, I'm going to have to work really hard at 2x.  But if 10x is my target, I start thinking differently than I would at 2x, and I can pretty much guarantee that I'll blow right past 2x on my way to 10x.

(Ask me why the T in SMART goals also holds us back from our full potential).

Call to Action: 

  1. Take a look at your goal. Now make it Unrealistic. Stretch it beyond what you think is possible.  Change that $50,000 goal to $100,000 or even $200,000.  Sure you might miss $200,000, but I bet you'll hit $80,000! Don't set arbitrary limits on your potential.

  2. Next, decide what ACTIONS are necessary to accomplish the goals and create measures out of the actions, not out of the results. 

Disclaimer: Make sure when you make it unrealistic, also make it desirable. Don't just "2x or 10x your goal." Make sure you want the outcomes!

Secret 2: Believe in your ability to blow your own mind

"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is." ~ Proverb

While I don’t pretend that all you need to do is think positive thoughts and all your dreams will come true, I do know one thing – unless your thoughts are empowering, those dreams will remain dreams forever.

Henry Ford put it this way, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.”

Pay attention to your thoughts. 

  • Are your thoughts aligned with your actions?

  • Are your thoughts negative (discouraging, fear-based, limiting)

  • Or are they empowering?

Many people laugh at the Law of Attraction.  It says, "What yo think about, believe strongly about, and feel intensely about, you will bring about."  I admit it. I did, too.  Until I gave it a try. 

When we start THINKING in alignment with what we want, and believing we can have it, we start acting in our own best interest. We stop self-sabotaging our own success.

So start paying attention to your thoughts.  Foster empowering thoughts. The wisdom to know what to do will come from there.

Call to Action: 

Download the FREE worksheet to guild you toward more empowering throughts. 

It might not come overnight.  But I promise, if you invest the time believing in yourself and that this vision was planted in your heart because you are called to bring it to life, it will happen. 

Secret 3: Commit Fully to Your Vision

What if, on your wedding day you said, “I’ll try to be faithful to you.”

When we say, “I’ll try,” the focus is on the trying. When we commit to "trying," we are giving ourselves permission to fail. 

When we say, “I'm committed," the focus is on the following through with that commitment. Your actions shift. Failure is no longer and option.

The commitment also gives us more concreate measures and success indicators.

When we are committed to a goal, we take it seriously. 

Call To Action: 

Write a commitment to yourself. Sign and date it. 

Download the FREE Commitment Template. Fill it out and post it where you'll see it every day. 

Don’t let the drift settle in – that’s when you take your eye off the prize. 

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  1. Please share on your social sites.  If you found value, by sharing you may just help someone else get unstuck and unleash their potential.

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  3. Let's chat.  I invite you to schedule a complimentary coaching conversation to take this and apply it in your business to create breakthrough results.  


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